
2 L Round Pet | Corn Oil

2 L Round Pet | Corn Oil

Size 2000 ml
Model Round Pet
Bottle / Box 6

A) Appearance Max: 1.0
B)Specific Weight 0.917-925 
C)Refractive İndex  1.465 - 1.468
D) Volatile Subtances %02 
E) Color 2K 
F)Taste And Odor Its Particular Taste and Smell
A) Free fatty  acids Max: 1.0
B) The Amount of Soap Max: 50
C) Number of proxide (Meg/kg)
Max: 20
D) İodine Number  78-88
E) saponification Number 184 - 196

E) Additives

Energy 819 kcal
Protein 0
Saturated Fat 12
Unsaturated Fatty 79
Fat 91
Carbohydrate 0 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Sodium 0 g
Vitamine E content